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Web development
for customer engagement.

We build websites, online stores and apps,
providing you with everything you need to have a successful
online presence.


icon blue 20 1
icon blue 30 3
UX / UI design
icon blue 29 5
Lending page
icon blue 28 7
Website business card
icon blue 21 9
Corporate website
icon blue 23 11
Online store
icon blue 25 13
Site prototype
icon blue 16 15
Website redesign
icon blue 35 17
Site block design
icon blue 31 19
Website page design
icon blue 30 3
Fixing site errors
icon blue 27 23
Website maintenance
icon blue 22 25
Application integration and customization

Why choose us?

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Innovation and technology

We create not just beautiful pictures, but a powerful marketing tool for sales growth.
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Marketing and analytics

We start with analytics and the customer journey. You will get not just a beautiful and user-friendly website, but a sales tool.
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Long-term partnership

We are engaged not only in the creation of resources, but also their promotion on a turnkey basis.
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We work transparently
Create a workspace for each project in Notion where we store all your project information.
How do we work?
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Briefing and research
We start by thoroughly researching your business, target audience and competitors. This step will help us to fully understand your situation and needs.
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Strategy development
Based on our findings, we will develop a customized marketing strategy that identifies the directions and approaches to achieve your goals.
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Design and concept
Our team will develop creative ideas that will capture your audience’s attention and emphasize the uniqueness of your brand.
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Development and programming
We begin creating design solutions including logos, graphics, packaging and other elements that will visually distinguish your brand.
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Testing and debugging
We test design concepts with the target audience and adapt them according to feedback and results.
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Startup and deployment
After successful testing, we deploy the web solution on a live server, preparing it for launch.
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Monitoring and optimization
We monitor the performance of the web solution after launch, analyze the data and perform optimization to improve performance.
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Support and service
We are ready to provide continuous technical support and maintenance, keeping your web project running smoothly.
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Growth and development
We help you grow your online presence by offering strategies for scaling, adding new features, and improving to meet your growing needs.

To make your business successful,
we use tools:

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и JavaScript
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and optimization
icon white 24 73
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and analytics
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and frameworks
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Web development
and design
icon white 28 81
and security
icon white 29 83
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Management of